We run many initiatives for young people in the Child Protection System or from vulnerable backgrounds at large. But it’s not just them that are on our radar. Our experts also work with young people from low-income, single-parent families or with both parents working abroad.
We build projects according to society’s needs. That’s why, at The Social Incubator, we have programmes dedicated to the unemployed, adults who have lost their jobs in the pandemic, people in the NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) group.
Our programmes are built on an architecture that is based on 4 main strands:
The main one, “A Normal Future for Young Institutionalised People”, focuses on the socio-professional integration of young institutionalised people aged between 16 and 26. The programme aims not only to find jobs for young people, but also to provide a strategy for a career path that will ensure their long-term independence.
The projects we are currently running at The Social Incubator are:
Programul Principal – #tinerideviitor
La TINEri este Puterea, funded by Coca Cola HBC România
Plan De Viață, funded by Afi Europe
Bun în Carieră, funded by SN NUCLEARELECTRICA SA
Lucrez Din Nou, funded by Coca Cola HBC România
Cum să fii om mare, funded by B2Kapital
R€sponsabil, funded by Kruk România
Start NOW, funded by United Way România
Start Major – ediția 3, funded by Unicredit Bank România
ACUM – Alegem Cariere și Urmăm Meserii
Acasă regăsit, funded by
Invizibilii, funded by Asociația Provident Pentru Educație
Primul Meu Job, funded by London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG)
Social Impact Award Romania (SIA), funded by SAP And BCR Social Finance
MAGIS MUNDI, funded by Booking Holdings Center of Excellence Bucharest
TOGETHER FOR UKRAINE, funded by CARE International UK, SERA Romania, FONPC, HP and
Mercy Corps
Salta programme, funded by Inditex Romania
Programul principal – #tinerideviitor
The main programme supports youth coming from the Child Protection System, NEETS & from vulnerable backgrounds at large aged 16 to 26 in the process of socio-occupational integration, through a range of tailored interventions aimed at guiding them not only towards a job, but towards a career pathway that ensures their long-term independence.
The main programme provides vocational counselling, psychological counselling, mentoring, support in finding a place to live, support in finding a job, as well as exploratory visits and mediation of the relationship with employers.
Young adults can also receive specific help, such as donations of food, clothing and support with medical problems. Educationally, the programme offers non-formal education workshops on various topics and tutoring.
La TINEri este Puterea, funded by Coca Cola HBC România
With the project “YOUth Empowered” we support young people from vulnerable backgrounds to become active in the labour market, to be motivated to continue and complete their studies, to understand and reach their full potential. We target young people between 16 and 25 who want to get to know themselves, understand how they can communicate better with others and prepare themselves properly for life as an employee.
“YOUth Empowered” takes place in Romania as part of the #YOUthEmpowered initiative launched by the Coca-Cola HBC Group and aims to increase the chances of young people from the NEET category to become active in the labour market.
Plan De Viață, funded by Afi Europe
In the “Plan de viață (Life Project)” Programme we work on the social and professional integration of young people who leave the institutional child protection system at 18. This is when most of them have to leave the care of the state and fend for themselves.
At 18, young adults have great shortcomings, leading to poor choices and decisions about their own lives. Now is the time for us to step in with the Life Plan.
In the first edition, running from January 2020 to January 2022, 10 young people have been selected and provided with housing, employment and counselling for social integration.
“Plan de viață” also aims to be the voice through which the general public becomes aware of the discrimination faced by young people in the system. Our colleagues in the project also bring to the surface the lack of stability that institutionalised beneficiaries struggle with on a daily basis.
Bun în carieră, funded by
Sometimes a map can help you make the best decisions in your career. Disadvantaged young people between the ages of 16 and 26 are encouraged in the “Bun în carieră (Career Map)” program. Very often, young people do not know what profession to follow, whether they come from vulnerable backgrounds or have had no specialist support in choosing a path in life.
With the “Bun în carieră” Program, we bring online all the experience we have accumulated offline at The Social Incubator. In 2022, in partnership with SN Nuclearelectrica SA, we launched the vocational guidance program “Be almost a superhero”. Young high school students or students who are about to choose their professional path now, have the chance to discover the opportunities offered by a career in the nuclear field, on the page dedicated to this project in the platform.
Top nuclear energy professionals employed at SN Nuclearelectrica SA share their professional experience with young people through a series of inspirational video materials, in which they talk about job-specific activities, skills and knowledge required, studies and courses, recommended universities and faculties. In addition, young people will be able to ask their own questions about careers in the nuclear field in the professional orientation workshops held in physical and online format by vocational counselors, professionals from SN Nuclearelectrica and surprise guests – experts, opinion leaders and influencers.
Lucrez Din Nou, funded by Coca Cola HBC România
The pandemic hit hard on the Romanian labour market. So, The Social Incubator started this project, for all people, regardless of age.
“Lucrez din nou (Working Again)” is an aggregator that brings together all the job offers of the main specialized platforms in Romania. Through “Lucrez din nou”, beneficiaries can access job offers, but also vocational tests, video lessons and useful information on labour law. Working Again also contains an integrated CV builder developed with the help of HR specialists.
Working Again offers professional and vocational support. Beneficiaries can call a dedicated number and will be advised on writing a CV, preparing for a job interview and even mediating with employers with whom The Social Incubator collaborates.
Cum să fii om mare, funded by B2Kapital
Through the project “Cum sa fii om mare (Ways to be an adult)” we support the social and professional integration of children and young people from the child protection system. We use the method of developing and implementing services that meet the specific needs of the category: unrestricted access to non-formal education and socio-professional integration.
Our project aims to reach 60 young people from vulnerable backgrounds in three counties. It includes 15 personal and professional development workshops and 60 vocational counselling and support sessions.
The project is part of the first CRS platform launched by B2Kapital Portfolio Management – “Together we create opportunities for children” launched in March 2021.
R€sponsabil, funded by Kruk România
“ResponsABIL” is the program whose essential pillar is financial education.
Already at its fifth edition, through “ResponsABIL” we aim to help young people between the ages of 16-24 from vulnerable categories, during the process of developing financial independence. Increasing the degree of financial responsibility and the degree of employability are two other “ResponsABIL” objectives.
In the context of the activities in the program, young people become familiar with notions of financial education and learn how to implement healthy behaviors in their lives. They also benefit from vocational counseling sessions, exploratory visits, and discussions with specialists in the professional fields of interest.
“ResponsABIL” reached young people in Vaslui county in 2019 and 2020, and in 2021 it moved to Olt and Timiș counties.
We combined non-formal education workshops, with practical challenges launched to young people and with personalized support on the socio-professional integration side. “ResponsABIL ” was conceived as a gamification program in which 130 young people participated during three years of activity.
In 2022, we supported 65 young people from vulnerable backgrounds in Dâmbovița and Prahova county by facilitating access to financial education and support in socio-professional integration.
The experience of young people within “ResponsABIL” was largely based on the concept of gamification: online workshops, challenges (as an applied part of learning, with assigned points) and rewards based on involvement, intended to support them in the learning process.
In addition to the 65 young people included in the program, another 50 young people from the Media Technical College in Bucharest participated at a financial education workshop and addressed topics such as: budget, saving and healthy consumption habits.
And we have ambitious plans for the 2023 edition. 40 young people from Galați, Brăila and Constanța county participate at financial education workshops and personal and professional development activities.
For young people, we are preparing a Career Day that will be presented by professionals in their fields of interest, and exploratory visits to potential employers from the three counties will give them the opportunity to see how they actually carry out their activity.
“ResponsABIL” is a program supported by KRUK Romania.
Start Now, funded by United Way România
Start NOW aims to facilitate the access of young people and adults from vulnerable backgrounds in Bucharest and Ilfov to the job market, according to their individual vocational profile.
Through this project, we support young people from vulnerable backgrounds in the transition to an independent and dignified life, which can be ensured through access to paid employment and associated social services. At the same time, the project develops a support system around vulnerable groups: vocational counsellors, social workers and employers.
Implementation period: 1 January 2022 – 1 January 2024
Project objectives
-To increase the level of information and awareness of the importance and necessity of participating in counselling and vocational guidance for 200 young people from vulnerable categories, especially young people from the child protection system.
-Involving 80 young people in a complex process of personal and professional development. This objective is put into practice by organising 30 thematic workshops on socio-professional development and awarding 7 qualification grants.
-Integrating 40 young people into the labour market through individual career counselling sessions and educational workshops.
Start Major – ediția 3, funded by Unicredit Bank România
Financial education is an important pillar for the professional and life path of any young person.
Start Major, a project developed by UniCredit Bank in partnership with The Social Incubator, reached its third edition in 2022. More than 2,500 vocational and technical students from dozens of high schools in Bucharest and the counties of Brasov, Cluj, Constanța, Dolj, Iasi and Timiș participate with their teachers in workshops held by specialized trainers, from which they learn how to manage their financial resources correctly, how they can get and keep a job, what professional roles suit them, and how to open their own business.
Of these, 210 will participate in entrepreneurship camps organised in physical format in Bucharest and the six counties where the third edition of the Start Major programme is taking place.
A tailor’s job is still relevant and makes us remember how important human contact is for each of us. Going to a tailor’s shop to have a pair of trousers shortened was an event in itself a few years ago. We also fondly remember the day we went to the tailor to pick up the dress we had been working on for weeks. Why wouldn’t we be friends with the environment and use tailoring services instead of always buying new clothes? The idea of on-the-spot tailoring can often save us from spending a lot of money.
But what is RetușART, tailoring workshop Bucharest?
RetușART is a social enterprise that aims to train vulnerable young people for the tailoring trade. Beneficiaries go through schooling and are then funded in finding a job in the field of clothes repair.
RetușART means high quality tailoring services and lots of good deeds. By calling on this social enterprise you change the lives of young people from vulnerable backgrounds and support the circular economy. We invite you to visit our tailoring shop.
The profits of RetușART are directed towards the personalised socio-professional integration programmes that our team offers to young people from vulnerable backgrounds. These programs are:
- Psychological and vocational counselling;
- Personal development workshops;
- Mentoring and tutoring sessions;
- Support in continuing studies and finding a job
Architects of Good Deeds thanks you for your trust in RetușART! And because we know your time is limited, RetușART also means tailoring on the spot!
The project entitled “NOW – Choosing Careers and Pursuing Trades”, a project co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020, is part of Priority Axis 1: “Jobs for Youth Initiative”, contract: POCU/991/1/3/154318.
The aim of the project is to increase the employment and improve the skills level of unemployed NEET young people aged 16 – 29, registered with the Public Employment Service, residing in the Centre region by running labour market mediation programmes for 380 people and running the following training courses:
- Rigging fitter – 40 people
- Commercial worker – 40 people
- Construction structures worker – 40 people
- Waste management – 80 people
- Barber – 40 people
- Entrepreneurial skills – 70 persons
- Basic digital skills – 70 persons
The target group consists of people who will participate in the vocational training courses. The target group will be identified and selected from the Centru Development Region (Alba, Mures, Sibiu, Brasov, Covasna, Harghita counties) and must be composed of people registered and profited by the Public Employment Service.
OS1 – To develop the professional skills of the members of the target group. To achieve this objective, training courses will be organized in the following fields: construction, commercial services, waste management, barber. Out of a total of 240 people, at least 192 people will receive the final certification.
OS2 – Support entrepreneurship and self-employment among members of the target group. To achieve this objective, training courses in entrepreneurship and basic level digital skills will be organised. Out of a total of 140 people, at least 112 people will receive the final certification.
OS3 – Integration into the labour market of 380 people through participation in the labour market mediation programme for 24 months. To achieve this objective, a labour market mediation programme will be organised in which the whole target group will participate. During the sessions, the responsible experts will identify employers who are interested in hiring staff and will present open positions to the participants (according to their socio-professional profile), with the aim of employing them.
Competitiveness in the labour market is directly determined by the level of education and the quality of educational preparation of human resources. The overall objective of the project will generate medium and long term positive effects in terms of human capital development and increased adaptability of employees on the labour market by ensuring the match between vocational training and job requirements and generating new opportunities for employees to successfully integrate into a modern labour market.
The contribution of the project to the achievement of the specific objectives is justified in terms of the activities carried out by the project, which aim to: increase employment: through labour market mediation activities for 380 persons (which will lead to employment of persons from the target group).
The project contributes to achieving the general objective of the POCU (development of human resources by increasing access to quality education and training, stimulating employment, especially for young people, reducing poverty and social exclusion by facilitating access to social and health services) as follows:
Increasing access to quality education and training.
Stimulating employment, especially for young people, by: running a labour market mediation programme for 380 people.
The full press release can be found here.
Project carried out in partnership with the Association for Organisational Development.
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Romanian Government.
Acasă regăsit, funded by
In Romania, over 75,000 children have parents gone to work abroad and are left in the care of relatives, most often grandparents.
The Social Incubator and have launched a joint project to ease the longing of families separated by this distance.
“Invizibilii” (The Invisible Ones) is a financial education and professional integration project, supported and developed by the Asociația Provident pentru Educație and implemented by The Social Incubator NGO, which aims to counteract the effects caused by social exclusion and financial exclusion affecting 3 vulnerable groups: single-parent families, the involuntarily unemployed over 55 and people employed without legal forms. In 2023, we address people from vulnerable groups in the counties: Bacău, Galați, Mehedinți, Mureș, Vaslui.
“Invizibilii” aims to involve in training and counseling programs more than 1,000 people who have access to information, education and direct support to become aware of the financial and social problems they face and to find the internal and external resources necessary to overcome these problems.
This will be done by creating an individualized process for each category of beneficiaries in three directions:
- Extensive information and awareness campaign
- Non-formal education
- Personal and professional development.
“Primul Meu Job” (My First Job) project aims at the social and professional integration of 50 young people from vulnerable backgrounds in Argeș, Brașov, Călărași, Dâmbovița and Ialomița counties.
Throughout the year, young people participate in ten non-formal education workshops organized in a physical format, two in each county, which will help them get to know each other better and find a job.
The beneficiaries of the project will receive specialized help through the 50 sessions of vocational counseling and psychotherapy, as well as support for continuing their studies and professional courses.
The 50 young people will be guided by mentors, including employees of the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), who will contribute to this project with 200 hours of mentoring, in order to achieve an in-depth intervention.
The most involved beneficiaries in the project’s activities participate in a 5-day educational camp, organized in Bucharest.
The Social Impact Award supports innovative and sustainable youth initiatives from over 15 countries through social entrepreneurship workshops, social entrepreneur incubation programs and local events.
MAGIS MUNDI, FUNDED BY Booking Holdings Center of Excellence Bucharest
MAGIS MUNDI’s objective is to support those who are seeking a change in their career path in the technology sector and to balance the workforce in this sector where women are underrepresented.
The program aims both at providing equal opportunities and facilitating social and professional integration by organizing free training courses and personal and professional development workshops, supported by the Booking Holdings Center of Excellence Bucharest and The Social Incubator.
Beneficiaries have access to a wide range of resources and support, which integrate both technical knowledge in the field of Cyber Detection & Response, Data Security, IT Security, Fraud Detection, Data Governance & Analytics and Data Privacy, as well as Soft Skills, to enhance their career path.
The program is conducted in English and has three main components:
- Training courses in the chosen field (one of those presented above);
- Personal and professional development workshops;
- Vocational counseling and mediation on the labor market.
For more details and enrollment please click here.
Mercy Corps
We are all “Together for Ukraine” and for supporting Ukrainian refugees in Romania, with the help of CARE International UK, SERA Romania, FONPC, HP and Mercy Corps.
The project’s main directions are:
– Providing immediate support to refugees by supplying essential goods such as food, hygiene products, professional counseling and mediation for access to the labor market in Romania, as well as logistical assistance for youth and children education and facilitating access to medical services and medicines.
– Ensuring the supply and renovation of centers to provide a minimum of comfort to refugees who are forced to live in these facilities for long periods of time.
– Undertaking activities aimed at socio-professional integration, including organizing job fairs, providing career counseling and coordinating recreational activities to promote a sense of community and well-being.
– „Report on the needs and difficulties encountered by Ukrainian refugees in Bucharest – Subjective perceptions and evaluations” (see report)
Salta programme, FUNDED BY Inditex Romania
SALTA project addresses the need for employment of individuals at risk of social exclusion. Through this project, beneficiaries have access to part-time positions as Sales Consultants within INDITEX stores: Zara, Pull&Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home.
In this regard, the partner is launching the third edition of this professional integration program, with a duration of two weeks of training, during which each beneficiary will have a personal mentor to support them on this professional journey.
Since 2014, we have run a number of projects that have made a difference to many beneficiaries. The most important are:
Aproape Adult, funded by Fundația Vodafone România
Banometru, funded by ING și AEVR
Împreună pentru succesul tinerilor defavorizați, funded by KFC
Afacerea ta începe aici, funded by Elsevier
Poți și meriți mai mult respect, funded by Avon
Viața mea prin ochii tăi, funded by AFCN
MatchMEntor, funded by de Ikea România
Bursa de Bine, funded by Servier Pharma
Construim destine, funded by Nepi Rockcastle
Innomate, funded by United Way România
Pregătiți pentru Viață, funded by Raiffeisen Bank România
Digital Shift, funded by HP România
Good mind, good life, funded by Nestlé România
Control, funded by LexisNexis – RELX Group
Aproape Adult, funded by Vodafone Foundation Romania
Young people coming from vulnerable backgrounds, especially from the state protection system, face issues of low self-confidence; the acute need for support and motivation to discover and reach their potential; the continuous need for encouragement and support to identify opportunities for development – hobbies, studies, profession, etc. and last but not least, the need for affection and interaction with people who can be real inspirational role models.
“Aproape Adult (Almost Grown Up)” aims to increase the chances of social and professional integration of 90 institutionalised young people aged between 18 and 26 from Prahova, Argeș and Dâmbovița counties through a complex training programme.
Banometru, funded by ING and AEVR
“Banometru (Moneymeter)” is a free and flexible financial education program that contributes to the awareness of the importance of financial education in every person’s life.
Young people from vulnerable backgrounds, DGASPC employees and volunteers will benefit from online courses and individual financial education sessions.
They will learn about how they can adopt measures to help them overcome financial difficulties (spending based on needs rather than wants, reducing debt, etc.); managing their budget appropriately to achieve personal/professional goals; identifying additional sources of income; identifying investment opportunities (e.g. courses, training, qualifications, etc.) that can contribute to additional income; acquiring the necessary knowledge to avoid debt that cannot be supported by constant income, which can have a major impact on the lives of vulnerable people.
At The Social Incubator, we initiated the project “Împreună pentru succesul tinerilor defavorizați (Together for the Succes of Disadvanteged Youths)”, dedicated to supporting institutionalized youths. This involved a range of tailored interventions, aimed at guiding them not only towards employment, but also towards a career path that would ensure their long-term financial independence. The programme was implemented in Bucharest, Ilfov and Prahova areas together with KFC, the NGO’s partner in this project.
Afacerea ta începe aici, funded by Elsevier
We have also developed entrepreneurial education programmes for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
One example is “Afacerea ta începe aici (Your Business Starts Here)”, which has involved 50 young people aged 18-26. The project ran for 6 months between October 2018 and March 2019 and aimed to increase the employability of young people.
The project took the form of workshops, where the following topics were discussed:
- Personal development;
- Career orientation;
- Leadership/management skills development;
- Project management;
- Conflict management;
- Romanian legislative and financial framework;
- Building a business plan.
At The Social Incubator we focus on femininity and individual fulfilment. This is how the project “Poți și meriți mai mult Respect (You can and you deserve more Respect)” was born in 2017, with the participation of girls and young women from Bucharest, mostly from disadvantaged backgrounds. We focused on respect, independence and love. Participants in the sessions included journalist Andreea Liptak Spiridon (moderator) and pop artist Lora as speaker.
The project was supported by AVON Cosmetics as part of the Respect Campaign and was launched with an event hosted by the InterContinental Hotel.
Proiect coordonat în perioada august-noiembrie 2017, în cadrul căruia tineri din București care cresc sau au crescut în sistemul de protecție a copilului au participat la un program intensiv de fotografie livrat de o echipă de 6 fotografi profesioniști, membri ai Asociației Fotografilor de Concerte – #FIND_US.
Proiectul a fost susținut de către Administrația Fondului Cultural Național în cadrul ariei tematice „Educație prin cultură”.
În săptămâna 1-8 noiembrie 2017, Café Verona a găzduit cu generozitate expoziția care a încununat proiectul, cu fotografii care reprezintă rezultatul muncii tinerilor și o fereastră directă către lumea și realitatea lor de zi cu zi.
MatchMEntor, funded by Ikea România
Educația non-formală joacă un rol-cheie în parcursul profesional al fiecărui om. La “Match Mentor” ne propunem sprijinirea a 150 de tineri, cu vârste între 15 și 18 ani, în procesul de integrare socio-profesională. Timp de 3 ani (2019-2022), câte 50 de beneficiari vulnerabili accesează Match Mentor. Lucrăm cu ei la dezvoltarea abilităților prin:
● Ateliere de educație-non-formală;
● Consiliere psihologică în dezvoltarea abilităților profesionale;
● Consiliere vocațională și orientare în carieră.
Fiecare tânăr beneficiază de un mentor dedicat. El participă voluntar în program, find specializat într-un domeniu profesional. Mentorul este liantul dintre echipa noastră de program și tinerii ce vor fi integrați socio-profesional. Mentorii facilitează accesul tinerilor la interviuri în companiile în care activează ei sau colaboratorii lor.
Bursa de Bine, funded by Servier Pharma
La „Bursa de BINE” sprijinim cinci tineri din medii vulnerabile, bursieri ai programului, timp de 12 luni, în procesul de tranziție către viața independentă și intrarea pe piața muncii.
„Bursa de BINE” le oferă tinerilor cazare timp de 6 luni, dezvoltare personală și emoțională, educație și integrare pe piața muncii și mentorat. Obiectivul major al acestui program îl reprezintă schimbarea reală și sustenabilă în viețile tinerilor. La „Bursa de BINE” venim cu un pachet complex de aptitudini pentru beneficiari, ce le facilitează acestora tranziția către viața adultă.
Proiectul este finanțat de Servier, iar partenerul de comunicare este Agenția Graffiti PR.
Construim destine, funded by Nepi Rockcastle
“Construim destine (Building chances)” is part of the organization’s national expansion program, focused on 4 counties with a high level of social and economic vulnerability – Constanța, Mehedinți, Vâlcea and Galați.
The programme provides dedicated and personalized support to a number of 45 institutionalized young people (who are/were part of the Romanian child protection system), aged between 16 and 26.
Innomate, funded by United Way România
“InnoMate – Innovation for the Future” is based on a program developed and adapted to pandemic realities, so as to meet the needs of students for career development and planning.
Some of our colleagues are implementing this project in three high schools in Bucharest and Ilfov. The young people most in need of support have been co-opted into the programme and encouraged to build a career path. They come from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, which ultimately lead to social vulnerability and difficulties at school.
Through “InnoMate – Innovation for the Future” we aim for a long-lasting impact and approach an integrated method of intervention for pupils and teachers.
We have designed InnoMate according to several fundamental principles and directions for action:
- Career counselling services for young people;
- Development of entrepreneurial skills, soft-skills and meta-skills for socially and/or economically disadvantaged high school students;
- Increasing teachers’ access to specialisation in vocational counselling and entrepreneurial skills development.
Pregătiți pentru Viață, funded by Raiffeisen Bank România
Through “Pregătiți pentru viață (Ready for Life)” we aim to support 50 young people from vulnerable backgrounds in a process of acquiring skills and competences necessary for personal and financial independence. We will organize two non-formal education camps, through which we will try to increase the social inclusion of young people.
“Pregătiți pentru viață” also means opportunities for labour market integration, especially in a context where options are limited. The non-formal education camps will be followed by a personal and professional development camp with individualised counselling and career guidance sessions. This way, young people will be able to clarify their career choices and make informed choices.
Digital Shift, funded by HP România
Digital Shift, a digital non-formal education programme, supports the social and professional integration process of 25 youngsters from vulnerable backgrounds, especially from the child protection system. They acquire digital skills and competences that will help them in the future to continue their studies and get a job in the field they are interested in.
Good mind, good life, funded by Nestlé România
Good mind, good life is a programme aimed at young people between 16 and 26 years old, beneficiaries of the socio-professional integration services of The Social Incubator. From the experience with young people in this age group, it was revealed that they face various emotional and relationship problems. In order to prepare them for an independent life, it is necessary to support them to develop mechanisms for adapting to life in the community and for self-management in relation to others.
The project helps 10 young people from the institutionalised child protection system (residential centres, social apartments, foster care) for 5 months. They benefit from individual and group services and psychological counselling. The themes addressed: increasing self-confidence, developing self-perception, understanding one’s own functioning mechanisms, creating a better contact with reality, managing emotions and conflicts.
Control, funded by LexisNexis – RELX Group
We continue to be concerned about the serious problem of human trafficking and this is a key component of the “CONTROL” project. The programme also facilitates access to employment opportunities for young people from vulnerable backgrounds. At The Social Incubator, we also implemented a programme aimed at preventing human trafficking in 2015.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it even more difficult for young people from vulnerable backgrounds to access well-paid jobs. An obvious consequence is their difficulty in leading independent lives. Unfortunately, they very often fall prey to traffickers in the hope of securing a secure income.
Through the “CONTROL” project we are targeting a group of 300 young people from the child protection system to participate in workshops on human trafficking. Beneficiaries are recruited at national level. Of these/other 100 beneficiaries from the protection system receive individual vocational counselling sessions on the website
Școala de Rideri, funded by Tazz
Through the “Școala de rideri (School of Riders)” programme, Tazz helpes the youths in foster care with the guidance they need to discover themselves and make the best choices for them. But also the possibility of having a job at the end of the program, as Tazz riders.
Ziua V, funded by BRD-Group Société Générale
Under the auspices of “Ziua V (V DAY) – Volunteers for the Future”, the good people of BRD have signed up for The Social Incubator programs as mentors, tutors and speakers at Hobby Night.
Volunteer involvement began right in the pandemic, in April 2020, when young people in our programs needed support the most. In 2021 our collaboration was extended with another year of good deeds.
More than 100 volunteers from all over the country signed up for the project and chose to contribute to the education and development of young people from vulnerable backgrounds. Some of them have chosen to provide tutoring in various subjects and even help young people pass the Baccalaureate.
Other volunteers have chosen to become mentors and, regardless of distance, have built relationships online, encouraged young people and even become friends.
In Hobby Night events, volunteers discussed with young NEET’s about different topics: from music to mountain climbing. They also talked about their passions: photography, swimming, cycling, and held personal development workshops with interesting and diverse topics.